Biological Systems Engineering, Department of


First Advisor

Md Abdul Momin

Committee Members

Chayan Kumer Saha

Date of this Version


Document Type



Undergraduate project report, Bangladesh Agricultural University, December 2015


Copyright 2015, Md Towfiqur Rahman. Used by permission


In this project work carried out the application of a simple machine vision system was used to measure the different color properties of mango fruit surface for grading operation. In the context of agricultural post-harvest activity, labor shortage and timeliness of operation, manual grading of fruits and other agricultural products are laborious and costly. Now-a-days non-destructive machine vision technology is used to process various post harvest operation of biological products according size, shape, defects, etc. A CCD camera with fluorescent lighting system is used to capture the mango images into the visible light region. Then the images were analyzed by using image processing software. Different color properties (RGB and HSI) information of mango fruit surface from the acquired images were extracted and studied. Based on this color information mango grading algorithm can be develop for further research according mango size, shape, ripeness, defect etc.
