From City Hall to Twitter: Navigating political context in US mayors’ online engagement, Minshuai Ding
Do Listeners Perceive Interviewers’ Attributes from their Voices and Do Perceptions Differ by Question Type?, Nuttirudee Charoenruk and Kristen Olson
A Comparison of Full and Quasi Filters for Autobiographical Questions, Kristen M. Olson, Megumi Watanabe, and Jolene Smyth
The Effects of Mismatches Between Survey Question Stems and Response Options on Data Quality and Responses, Jolene Smyth and Kristen Olson
Examining the Feasibility of Ecological Momentary Assessment Using Short Message Service Surveying with Homeless Youth: Lessons Learned, Kimberly A. Tyler and Kristen Olson
An Analysis of Interviewer Travel and Field Outcomes in Two Field Surveys, James Wagner and Kristen Olson
Examining Changes of Interview Length Over the Course of the Field Period, Antje Kirchner and Kristen Olson
Do Interviewer Postsurvey Evaluations of Respondents’ Engagement Measure Who Respondents Are or What They Do? A Behavior Coding Study, Antje Kirchner, Kristen Olson, and Jolene Smyth
Evaluating data quality in reports of sales in a retail establishment survey, Kristen Olson, Xiaoyu Lin, and Timothy Banks
Within-Household Selection in Mail Surveys: Explicit Questions Are Better Than Cover Letter Instructions, Kristen Olson and Jolene Smyth
Assessing Potential Errors in Level-of-Eort Paradata using GPS Data, James Wagner, Kristen Olson, and Minako Edgar
Assessing Potential Errors in Level-of-Effort Paradata using GPS Data, James Wagner and Kristen M. Olson
Social isolation, survey nonresponse, and nonresponse bias: An empirical evaluation using social network data within an organization, Megumi Watanabe, Kristen Olson, and Christina Falci
Effects of Smiley Face Scales on Visual Processing of Satisfaction Questions in Web Surveys, Mathew Stange, Amanda Barry, Jolene Smyth, and Kristen M. Olson
Risk Factors for HIV among Zambian Street Youth, Kimberly A. Tyler, Ray Handema, Rachel M. Schmitz, Francis Phiri, Charles Wood, and Kristen M. Olson
Current Knowledge and Considerations Regarding Survey Refusals: Executive Summary of the AAPOR Task Force Report on Survey Refusals, David Dutwin, John D. Loft, Jill E. Darling, Allyson L. Holbrook, Timothy P. Johnson, Ronald E. Langley, Paul J. Lavrakas, Kristen Olson, Emilia Peytcheva, Jeffery A. Stec, Timothy Triplett, and Andrew Zukerberg
Methodological considerations for a new household panel survey, Kristen Olson and J. Michael Brick
The Effect of CATI Questions, Respondents, and Interviewers on Response Time, Kristen Olson and Jolene D. Smyth
A feasibility test of using smartphones to collect GPS information in face-to-face surveys, Kristen Olson and James Wagner
Using a Calendar and Explanatory Instructions to Aid Within-household Selection in Mail Surveys, Mathew Stange, Jolene D. Smyth, and Kristen Olson
An Experimental Test of the Effects of Survey Sponsorship on Internet and Mail Survey Response, Michelle L. Edwards, Don A. Dillman, and Jolene D. Smyth
Assessing Within-Household Selection Methods in Household Mail Surveys, Kristen Olson, Mathew Stange, and Jolene D. Smyth
Identifying predictors of survey mode preference, Jolene D. Smyth, Kristen Olson, and Morgan Millar
The Effect of Answering in a Preferred Versus a Non-Preferred Survey Mode on Measurement, Jolene Smyth, Kristen Olson, and Alian S. Kasabian
Paradata for Nonresponse Error Investigation, Frauke Kreuter and Kristen Olson
Do non-response follow-ups improve or reduce data quality?: A review of the existing literature, Kristen Olson
Paradata for Nonresponse Adjustment, Kristen Olson
Collecting Paradata for Measurement Error Evaluations, Kristen Olson and Bryan Parkhurst
Accuracy of Within-household Selection in Web and Mail Surveys of the General Population, Kristen Olson and Jolene D. Smyth
Analyzing Paradata to Investigate Measurement Error, Ting Yan and Kristen Olson
An Examination of Within-Person Variation in Response Propensity over the Data Collection Field Period, Kristen Olson and Robert M. Groves
Does giving people their preferred survey mode actually increase survey participation rates? An Experimental Examination, Kristen Olson, Jolene D. Smyth, and Heather M. Wood
Multiple Auxiliary Variables in Nonresponse Adjustment, Frauke Kreuter and Kristen Olson
The Role of Interviewer Experience on Acquiescence, Kristen Olson and Ipek Bilgen
An Experimental Examination of the Content of Persuasion Letters on Nonresponse Rates and Survey Estimates in a Nonresponse Follow-Up Study, Kristen Olson, James M. Lepkowski, and David H. Garabrant
The self-assessed literacy index: Reliability and validity, Kristen Olson, Jolene D. Smyth, Ying Wang, and Jennie E. Pearson
Are we keeping the people who used to stay? Changes in correlates of panel survey attrition over time, Kristen Olson and Lindsey Witt
Using Proxy Measures and Other Correlates of Survey Outcomes to Adjust for Non-Response: Examples from Multiple Surveys, Frauke Kreuter, Kristen M. Olson, James Wagner, Ting Yan, Trena M. Ezzati-Rice, Carolina Casas-Cordero, Michael Lemay, Andy Peytchev, Robert M. Groves, and Trivellore E. Raghunathan
An Examination of Questionnaire Evaluation by Expert Reviewers, Kristen Olson
NSFB 101: Getting Started with the National Survey of Fertility Barriers, Karina M. Shreffler, Arthur (Larry) Greil, David R. Johnson, Katie Johnson, Rebekah Young, Julia McQuillan, and Ashley Frear Cooper
How Much of Interviewer Variance Is Really Nonresponse Error Variance?, Brady T. West and Kristen Olson
The University of Michigan Dioxin Exposure Study: Population Survey Results and Serum Concentrations for Polychlorinated Dioxins, Furans, and Biphenyls, Elizabeth Hedgeman, Qixuan Chen, Biling Hong, Chiung-Wen Chang, Kristen Olson, Kathleen LaDronka, Barbara Ward, Peter Adriaens, Avery Demond, Brenda W. Gillespie, James Lepkowski, Alfred Franzblau, and David H. Garabrant
National Survey of Fertility Barriers: Methodology Report for Wave 1, David R. Johnson, Julia McQuillan, M. C. Jacob, A. L. Greil, Naomi Lacy, Laurie K. Scheuble, Katie Johnson, Karina Shreffler, and Rebekah Young
Occupational Racial Composition and Nonfatal Work Injuries, Terceira A. Berdahl and Julia McQuillan
Statistical Comparison of Residential Soil Concentrations of PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs from Two Communities in Michigan, Avery Demond, P. Adriaens, T. Towey, S.-C. Chang, B. Hong, Q. Chen, C.-W. Chang, A. J. Franzblau, D. Garabrant, B. Gillespie, E. Hedgeman, K. Knutson, C. Y. Lee, J. Lepkowski, Kristen M. Olson, B. Ward, L. Zwica, W. Luksemburg, and M Maier
The Importance of Motherhood among Women in the Contemporary United States, Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil, Karina M. Scheffler, and Veronica Tichenor
Psychological distress by type of fertility barrier, Mary Casey Jacob, Julia McQuillan, and A. L. Greil
Infertility and Life Satisfaction Among Women, Julia McQuillan, Roselie Torres Stone, and Arthur L. Greil
Effect of Interviewer Experience on Interview Pace and Interviewer Attitudes, Kristen M. Olson and Andy Peytchev
Using Interviewer Observations To Improve Nonresponse Adjustments: NES 2004, Andy Peytchev and Kristen Olson
Beyond Hispanic/Latino: The importance of gender/ethnicity-specific earnings analyses, Rosalie Torres Stone and Julia McQuillan
Examination of the Relationship between Nonresponse and Measurement Error in a Validation Study of Alumni, Kristen Olson and Courtney Kennedy
Survey Participation, Nonresponse Bias, Measurement Error Bias, and Total Bias, Kristen M. Olson
No Longer Intending: The Relationship Between Relinquished Fertility Intentions and Distress, Lynn K. White and Julia McQuillan
Infertility: Testing a Helpseeking Model, Lynn K. White, Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil, and David R. Johnson
“I Just Want To Play”: Women, Sexism, and Persistence in Golf, Lee McGinnis, Julia McQuillan, and Constance L. Chapple
Gender, Social Bonds, and Delinquency: A Comparison of Boys’ and Girls’ Models, Julia McQuillan, Terceira A. Berdahl, and Constance L. Chapple
Chronic strain, daily work stress, and pain among workers with rheumatoid arthritis: Does job stress make a bad day worse?, Judith Fifield, Julia McQuillan, Stephen Armeli, Howard Tennen, Susan Reisine, and Glenn Affleck
Help-Seeking Patterns among Subfecund Women, Arthur L. Greil and Julia McQuillan
A Review of Gendered Consumption in Sport and Leisure, Lee McGinnis, Seungwoo Chun, and Julia McQuillan
A comparison of self-reports of distress and affective disorder diagnoses in rheumatoid arthritis: A receiver operator characteristic analysis, Julia McQuillan, Judith Fifield, T. Joseph Sheehan, Susan Reisine, Howard Tennen, Victor Hesselbrock, and Naomi Rothfield
Frustrated Fertility: Infertility and Psychological Distress Among Women, Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil, Lynn K. White, and Mary Casey Jacob
Draft of The Integrated Studies of Educational Technology: A Formative Evaluation of the E-Rate Program, Michael J. Puma, Duncan D. Chaplin, Kristen M. Olson, and Amy C. Pandjiris
History of Affective Disorder and the Temporal Trajectory of Fatigue in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Judith Fifield Ph.D., Julia McQuillan, Howard Tennen, T. Joseph Sheehan, Susan Reisine, Victor Hesselbrock, and Naomi Rothfield
Book Review: Weaving Work and Motherhood by Anita Ilta Garey, Julia McQuillan
Putting Standards to the Test: A Design for Evaluating the Systemic Reform of Education, Mike Puma, Jacqueline Raphael, Kristen M. Olson, and Jane Hannaway
Despite Increases, Women and Minorities Still Underrepresented in Undergraduate and Graduate S&E Education, Kristen M. Olson
Report to Congress on Waivers Granted Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Jacqueline Raphael, Kristen M. Olson, and Luke Miller
Depression and the Long-Term Risk of Pain, Fatigue, and Disability in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Judith Fifield, Howard Tennen, Susan Reisine, and Julia McQuillan
Gender, Paid Work, and Symptoms of Emotional Distress in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients, Judith Fifield, Susan Reisine, T. Joseph Sheehan, and Julia McQuillan