Department of Educational Administration
Date of this Version
Spring 5-2014
Document Type
The purpose of this study was to consider the influences of the American Boxer Indemnity Reparations Remissions (ABIRR) on Chinese higher education. These remissions were used to establish two universities, to establish the American Boxer Indemnity Scholarship Program (ABISP) to support Chinese students’ studying in America, and to support other higher education- related projects.
This study focused on higher education considering ABISP as an individual case. The ABISP students were selected from all the students who studied in America in the corresponding period in part because of the inconsistencies of research before 1949.
Through tracking 1,152 ABISP students of Type (a) “admitted to American student” and Type (b) “pre-admitted to American student” one by one, the researcher found 707 (61.28%) of them were engaged in Chinese higher education. Among those 707, 597 (84.44%) had title of professor or associate professor.
The research listed that ABSIP students created 19 “firsts” for Chinese higher education. ABISP students also created 12 departments of Tsinghua University as well as established 19 departments and universities other than Tsinghua. Nineteen (19) ABISP students were engaged in compiling authoritative collegiate textbooks.
Adviser: James Griesen
A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts, Major: Educational Administration, Under the Supervision of Professor James Griesen. Lincoln, Nebraska: May 2014
Copyright 2014 Xiaojuan Zhou