Department of Educational Administration


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Clayton, C. (2015). MBA Academic Teams Training and Measuring Team Skills Development and Team Satisfaction in the First Semester of a Full-time MBA Program (Doctoral dissertation). University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.


A DISSERTATION Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Education, Major: Educational Studies (Educational Leadership and Higher Education), Under the Supervision of Professor Miles Bryant. Lincoln, Nebraska: March, 2015

Copyright (c) 2015 Crystal L. Clayton


This study explored the benefits of providing MBA academic teams with formal training. The purpose of this mixed methods, single case study design, was to investigate whether MBA teams training contributes to team skills development and student team satisfaction. Participants in this study were first year, full-time MBA students at a large Midwestern Research I institution. The Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME) was utilized to regularly administer peer and self-assessment of teamwork skills and track student team satisfaction. The research was broken into three main components. The first component included a quantitative element utilizing regular assessment readings of participants on the CATME, on the five team dimensions of Contributions to the Team, Interactions with Team, Keeping Team on Track, Expecting Quality, and Having KSAs. The second piece of the study incorporated qualitative team advising sessions, in a focus group atmosphere. The third and final dimension of the study was leading individual interviews with nine of the 35 study participants. These nine participants’ CATME scores were thoroughly analyzed using single case research methods to measure team skills development in their first semester of the MBA experience. Qualitative findings from team advising sessions and individual interviews were documented, categorized, and coded for research patterns and themes. Research revealed that there is evidence that teams training is perceived to contribute to team skills development in full-time MBA students. Participants reported that teams training is not perceived to contribute to team satisfaction. Recommendations included exploring the contribution of prior work experience to team skills development and conducting focused research on students’ perceptions of international versus domestic students on MBA teams.

Advisor: Miles Bryant
