Department of Educational Administration
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This mixed methods concurrent triangulation study was designed to examine instructional leaders’ descriptions of their experience with integrating technology into their teaching. Seminal studies from the 1990s were found to remain true today—that teachers are not ready to incorporate technology into their teaching (Becker, 1999; Ertmer, 1999). In the decade since Becker’s and Ertmer’s findings, changes have been seen in select pockets of the university community. I was interested in exploring one of these “pockets” that has been identified through my work with online instruction and in consultations with faculty who are either beginning or are veterans at integrating technology into their teaching.
Although access to technology has become ubiquitous, that fact alone does not ensure technology integration. Other conditions are necessary to its effective integration. I explored ways that faculty in a college of education are using technology and the strategies they are modeling as they seek to pass on necessary skills to pre-service teachers.
The qualitative phase of the study revealed broad descriptions of instructors’ technology integration. Instructors who confronted new technologies, their attitudes about technology, and the context in which they sought to use technology were examined.
The quantitative phase of the study focused on the technologies used and instructors’ perceptions about teaching with technology. I wanted to see if there was a connection between the attitudes these instructors had toward technology use and how they integrated technology in their teaching.
Participants viewed technology as a necessity for their teaching process and daily life in general. Data analysis showed that they believe that instructional technology shaped, modeled, and extended learning processes for students. Instructional technology extended students learning experiences by providing them with opportunities for more independent, self-directed, and in-depth learning. When students felt in control of their own learning they became more actively engaged in it, and were able to select, analyze and synthesize information, make decisions about their learning, detect gaps in their knowledge, and find solutions for how to fill those gaps.
A DISSERTATION Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Major: Educational Studies, Under the Supervision of Professor Marilyn L. Grady. Lincoln, Nebraska: April, 2011
Copyright 2011 Suzanne K. Becking