Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction


Date of this Version



Chongsheng Cheng, Zhigang Shen, Semi real-time detection of subsurface consolidation defects during concrete curing stage, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 270, 2021, 121489, ISSN 0950-0618, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121489. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0950061820334930)


Copyright © Chongsheng Cheng and Zhigang Shen


Subsurface consolidation defect is a common issue in concrete pavement construction, and the hidden defects often require costly repairs after project delivery. Therefore, being able to identify this type of defect during construction will enable contractor to conduct quick repairs to avoid costly post-construction rework. In this paper a semi real-time detection approach using infrared thermography is introduced. The developed approach utilizes the hydration heat during curing time to identify the subsurface voids based on the regional temperature contrast. Experimental studies were conducted using artificial void-defect in different sizes and depths. The thermographic analysis is employed to locate the void-defects during the first 12 hours of curing time. The outcomes show that the defects are distinguishable within certain time windows during the curing process. In conclusion, infrared thermography can be used as a feasible and reliable non-destructive-detection method to conduct real-time or semi real-time monitoring of subsurface defects during concrete pavement construction.
