Computer Science and Engineering, Department of
Document Type
Date of this Version
Summer 6-2020
Kejawa, Iwasan D. Prof. Dr. The effects of Computer and Information Technology on Education, East African Scholars Journal of Engineering and computer Sciences; Vol-3, Iss-6(June 2020): 69-73.
In the society of ours, is it true really that computers and information technology have contributed immensely to the way we learn? After observing and reading various educational paraphernalia and scanning the environment research has shown that the educational systems have greatly been impacted by computers and information technology. With the growth of technology, the ways we learn have been improved tremendously. Innovative technologies have contributed to the innovation of learning in the education arena and outside. The traditional ways of conveying instructions to learners have been augmented with the use of computers information technologies. The educational system of our institutions is mandated today to using computer technologies to teach. All subjects, be it History, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Aviation, Real Estate, Economics, Political Science, Engineering, Business and the subject of Computer Science itself are being taught with the usage of computer technologies. It has come to past that traditional modes of conveying instructions and teaching are now opaque or in the dark perspectives. By using computers and information technologies in educating the populace, they allow us to convey instructions and ideas to people. It is found that globalization of technology entities comprising the learning processes is the configuration of computers in the facts. In education, computers are now being used to project information to people in the classrooms, churches, conference halls, homes, on the street and anywhere or any place education takes place. One can learn anywhere or anyplace, therefore the use of technology is a vigorous way of making things simple, ease and readily available.
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This article must be read by all incumbents in the society. Reading this piece of work would manifest and improve your knowledge about the effects and usages of computers in the society