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Invention through the Harmonics of Stefano Scodanibbio: A Method of Creative Improvisation for the Contemporary Double Bassist

Christian Paul Chesanek, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


This document is an inclusive method for the double bass and comprises etudes and exercises inspired by Sei Studi (1981/83) composed by the Italian double bass virtuoso Stefano Scodanibbio (1956–2012). The etudes and exercises in the method are based on the analysis of seven categories of harmonic gestures that exemplify Scodanibbio’s “Avant Garde” style. The seven categories, each with its own chapter, feature selected harmonic gestures extracted from the Sei Studi. The seven categories include: 1) natural harmonics, 2) trilled and tremolo harmonic gestures, 3) pizzicato/arco and normal note gestures, 4) mixed normal and harmonic note gestures, 5) artificial harmonic gestures, 6) alternate notation gestures, and 7) harp harmonic gestures. In each chapter, the selected gestures are accompanied by exercises and supplemental musical materials for further application. Improvisation etudes are composed from previous and newly written material, which will serve as catalysts for students to generate their own improvisations.

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Recommended Citation

Chesanek, Christian Paul, "Invention through the Harmonics of Stefano Scodanibbio: A Method of Creative Improvisation for the Contemporary Double Bassist" (2020). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI28031225.
