Drought -- National Drought Mitigation Center


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Lackstrom, K., A. Brennan, D. Ferguson, M. Crimmins, L. Darby, K. Dow, K. Ingram, A. Meadow, H. Reges, M. Shafer, and K. Smith. 2013. The Missing Piece: Drought Impacts Monitoring. Workshop report produced by the Carolinas Integrated Sciences & Assessments program and the Climate Assessment for the Southwest.


U.S. government work.


Based on a shared interest to better understand the impacts of drought and the potential utility of using drought impacts reporting as a tool for monitoring conditions, researchers from the Carolinas RISA (Dow, Lackstrom, and Brennan), the Climate Assessment for the Southwest (Crimmins and Ferguson), and the Southwest Climate Science Center (Meadow) decided to convene a workshop in Tucson in March 2013. The primary goal was to assemble a small group of university and agency scientists involved with drought impacts monitoring to discuss opportunities and barriers associated with drought impacts reporting, recommend best practices for implementing a drought impacts reporting system, and develop a path forward for addressing or overcoming barriers. The longer-term objective of the initial meeting was to explore the feasibility of creating a community of practice that could share information and integrate activities related to drought impacts research and reporting.
