Drought -- National Drought Mitigation Center


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Published in Identifying and Coping with Extreme Meteorological Events, edited by E. Antal and M. H. Glantz, pp. 351–366 (Budapest: Hungarian Meteorological Service, 1988).


CROPSTATUS is a series of programs residing in Nebraska's AGNET system using daily weather data to assess seasonal changes in crops, livestock, and other agricultural conditions. Assessments are based on parameters developed from accumulations of current daily temperature and precipitation data collected from a network of synoptic, climate, and automated micrometeorological stations in Nebraska in comparison with daily normals. The daily normals were derived from monthly summaries using multiple regression models to compute daily values as a function of Julian day numbers. Crop phenology models based on growing degree days were used to monitor and forecast the progress of different crop strains and times of planting. Biological time scale statistical yield models are used for production estimates.

Weather probability information is also available from CROPSTATUS. Long term climatic records have been used to determine spring and autumn freeze probabilities, preseason precipitation available for subsoil moisture recharge and the probabilities of weekly averages of daily maximum and minimum temperatures. These and other features are available in a menu of over 20 different agricultural weather information items developed from a network of 60 weather stations. CROPSTATUS is also used to prepare tabular data and computer maps showing changes in conditions throughout the state. These maps are used in meetings by an interdisciplinary committee of agricultural extension specialists to prepare weekly agweather situation/advisory reports.
