Department of Educational Psychology


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Date of this Version



The Elementary School jJournal

Volume 119, Number 1. Published online July 24, 2018


2018 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


The efficacy of conjoint behavioral consultation (CBC), a family-school partnership intervention, for teachers’ prac- tices and process skills was evaluated. Participants were 152 teachers of grades K–3 in 45 Midwest rural schools randomly assigned to treatment or control conditions. Treat- ment group teachers participated in an 8- to 10-week CBC intervention. Outcome measures were (a) self-reports of classroom practices and collaborative process skills and (b) direct observations of teachers’ use of effective behav- ioral strategies. Relative to control group participants, there was a significant positive intervention effect on CBC teachers’ self-report of appropriate behavioral strategies (b p .47, p ! .001), observations of their use of positive attention (b p .50, p ! .001) and positive consequences (b p .72, p ! .001), and competence in addressing problems (b p .95, p ! .001). Teachers’ appropriate strategy use was me- diated by their use of problem-solving processes. Impli- cations for rural settings are discussed.
