Department of Educational Psychology


Document Type


Date of this Version

November 1994


Published in Journal of School Psychology, Vol. 32, No. 4, (1994), pp. 385–413. Copyright © 1994 Society for the Study of School Psychology. Used by permission.


Integrating scientific methods into school psychological practice is an essential tenet of effective service. In this article, we present two related examples that demonstrate methods by which to conduct high-quality intervention and consultation case studies with integrity. The present case studies utilized home note and consultation-based interventions to improve task completion and accuracy in mathematics for primary grade students who had demonstrated performance difficulties despite adequate intellectual ability and academic skills. Two sets of case studies were conducted. One involved the use of a home-school note implemented by parents and teachers in conjunction with a self-instruction manual. The second set of case studies used the home note and manual instituted in the context of behavioral consultation with parents and teachers. Both interventions (home-note-only and home note with consultation) increased math completion and accuracy in underachievers. Levels of performance were stable and differences between baseline and treatment conditions were statistically significant for consultation students only. Treatment integrity, maintenance of treatment gains, and consumer acceptability were also stronger in the consultation case studies. The implications for practitioners and future research are explored.
