Department of Educational Psychology


Document Type


Date of this Version

Winter 2018


American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) e-ISSN :2378-703X Volume-02, Issue-12, pp-50-51


ABSTRACT: Research has shown that one of the avenues to make aware of once experiences, appreciations and blessings is through writing a gratitude journal or memoir. By journalizing our thought by hands or electronically, it may help us focus them, according to psychologist Robert Emmons, who says that he does this routinely to remind himself; it makes apple of time to understand the meaning and importance of people and events. It has been found that one should go for a depth in writing rather than breadth, because this will help one to enjoy what one appreciates, and what to keep in journals. Documentations of our experiences, appreciations, thanks and blessing are forms of projecting or showing our gratitude to the present inhabitants and the future generations (Metzer, 2009). It has come to my awareness through research and numerous readings that one of the best ways to show appreciations and blessings of our life is by psychologically recording our thanks, experiences and making them known by writing a journal or journalizing (Skinner, 2007). KEYWORDS: Science, Psychology, Social, Education, University, College, Organizations, Memoir Experience, Appreciation, Arts, Expressions, Writing, Journals, Celebrations.
