Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of


Date of this Version

Fall 9-14-2011

Document Type



A DISSERTATION Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Major: Engineering, Under the Supervision of Professor Michael W. Hoffman. Lincoln, Nebraska: September, 2011

Copyright (c) 2011 Peter E. William


In this dissertation, feature extraction algorithms have been developed for extraction of characteristic features from harmonic signals. The common theme for all developed algorithms is the simplicity in generating a significant set of features directly from the time domain harmonic signal. The features are a time domain representation of the composite, yet sparse, harmonic signature in the spectral domain.The algorithms are adequate for low-power unattended sensors which perform sensing, feature extraction, and classification in a stand-alone scenario. The first algorithm generates the characteristic features using only the duration between successive zero-crossing intervals. The second algorithm estimates the harmonics’ amplitudes of the harmonic structure employing a simplified least squares method without the need to estimate the true harmonic parameters of the source signal. The third algorithm,resulting from a collaborative effort with Daniel White at the DSP Lab, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, presents an analog front end approach that utilizes a multichannel analog projection and integration to extract the sparse spectral features from the analog time domain signal. Classification is performed using a multilayer feed forward neural network. Evaluation of the proposed feature extraction algorithms for classification through the processing of several acoustic and vibration data sets (including military vehicles and rotating electric machines) with comparison to spectral features shows that, for harmonic signals, time domain features are simpler to extract and provide equivalent or improved reliability over the spectral features in both the detection probabilities and false alarm rate.
