Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of


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Published in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2000. Vol. 4, pp. 2142-2145; doi: 10.1109/APS.2000.874917 Copyright 2000 IEEE. Used by permission.


The University of Nebraska has developed an ultra-wideband (UWB) random noise radar system which transmits an ultra-wideband random noise (Gaussian) waveform with a uniform power spectral density (PSD) in the 1-2 GHz frequency range. The ability of the system to characterize the Doppler shift of moving targets exhibiting varying linear and rotational velocities was clearly demonstrated [l, 2]. In this paper, we look at the range and range rate resolution issues by analyzing the Woodward’s ambiguity function [3]. In general, the radar signal ambiguity function is defined as the normalized response of a filter matched to a return signal with range rate V0 to a return signal with range rate V1. It describes the resolution properties of a given signal in range and range rate. However, for a random noise radar a correlator matched to transmit process is required. Therefore, an analogous ambiguity function may be defined as the expected value of the response of the correlator matched to a target moving with range rate V0, to the return signal from the target with range rate V1. Moreover, for a UWB transmit random process, the compression or stretch due to the range rate on the envelope of the return process cannot be ignored.
