Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version



Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2626719




Long-Term Evolution (LTE) communication systems feature advanced frequency reuse and interference coordination techniques providing faster and more secured mobile services. However, the network capacity in licensed spectrum is still behind market demands. Dynamic spectrum access or spectrum sharing in other frequently vacant or unlicensed frequency bands is considered an effective means to boost system throughput. Different from operations in licensed spectrum with exclusive access, LTE deployment needs to take into account the distinct regulations on channel access to each shared frequency band, in order to avoid interference to incumbent users, and to maintain fair play with peer operators in heterogeneous networks. This paper presents an overview on LTE spectrum sharing technologies on three popular spectrums, including the TV white-space channels, the frequently unused service-dedicated 3.5-GHz citizens broadband radio service spectrums, and the 5-GHz unlicensed bands. Existing spectrum usage in these frequency bands is analyzed, and the proposed methodologies on compliant operations are discussed for the reference of potential solutions to more efficient spectrum sharing mechanisms in the next generation mobile networks.
