Graduate Studies


First Advisor

Benjamin Terry

Second Advisor

Carl Nelson

Third Advisor

George Gogos

Date of this Version

Spring 4-26-2021

Document Type



N. Borcyk. "Design and Development of a Novel Dry-Powder Aerosol Generator," Master's Thesis, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. April 2021.


A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science, Major: Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Under the Supervision of Professor Benjamin Terry. Lincoln, Nebraska: April, 2021

Copyright © 2021 Nathan Borcyk


Aerosol generators are often used to suspend small particles in air for various applications within industry. Particle sizes ranging from tens of nanometers to hundreds of microns offer unique properties at this scale that can be leveraged for surface coatings, biochemical testing, and environmental technology development. The objective of this research is to provide a robust, cost-effective method for dry-powder aerosol generation for use within a controlled laboratory environment. The proposed device utilizes a hypocycloid mechanism to aerosolize dry-powder via agitation through a strainer. The device was developed, tested, and refined to fulfill all functional requirements outlined by the National Strategic Research Institute including a consistent, repeatable, and tunable output.

Advisor: Benjamin Terry
