Entomology, Department of
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International Journal of Tropical Insect Science Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 178–187 (2013); doi:10.1017/S1742758413000192
The present study aimed to determine the selectivity of the pyrethroid lambdacyhalothrin on arthropod natural enemy populations in irrigated rice fields in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The study was conducted at three sites: districts of Cachoeira do Sul, Eldorado do Sul and Capivari do Sul during the crop years of 2007/2008 and 2008/ 2009. Each site consisted of two subareas divided into four plots. One of the subareas received a spray application of 150 ml/ha of lambdacyhalothrin CS 50, while the other subarea was untreated. Arthropods were collected at 2, 15, 30 and 45 days after the application of the insecticide to assess its impact on natural enemy populations. The results indicated consistent differences in natural enemy populations between the treated and untreated areas, especially within the first 2 weeks after the application of the insecticide. Principal components analysis together with x 2 analysis revealed differences in the populations of Tetragnathidae, Anyphaenidae, Araneidae, Coccinellidae, Phytoseiidae and Coenagrionidae between the treated and untreated areas. This study indicated the existence of a great diversity of arthropod natural enemies in irrigated rice fields in a subtropical environment similar to that reported previously from rice fields in tropical environments. In addition, lambdacyhalothrin was shown to be a rapid acting insecticide, with a significant initial decrease in natural enemy populations followed by a rapid recovery beginning at 2 weeks after the application of the insecticide. Especially disconcerting is the severe impact of the insecticide on Phytoseiidae and Araneidae, which are considered key natural enemies for the management of rice pests in southern Brazil.
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