Entomology, Department of


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Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 4 (February 1911).


Public domain.


The present methods of teaching entomology followed in the United States have been developed almost entirely by men now teaching this subject. A second generation of teachers has begun its work; but the first is still on the stage. We h3i¥e progressed far enough, however, to make it worth while for the teachers to compare methods, in order that each may profit by the experience of the others. In a conference of this kind the contribution of each to the discussion will be, naturally, at first, merely a statement of the methods evolved in our several widely separated institutions. Then can follow comparisons and discussions of the various methods, which may result in the modification of each. I regret exceedingly that I cannot be present to hear the papers of my colleagues, and to take part in the discussion. But unfortunately for me, I can only send my report of progress.

The first professor of entomology in an American university was Dr. H. A. Hagen, who held this position in the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard University. But, although the influence of Doctor Hagen upon the few pupils who had the good fortune to study with him was very great, his teaching of entomology was subordinate to his researches in systematic entomology and his work as curator of the great collections of insects of that museum.
