Entomology Collections, Miscellaneous


Date of this Version



Coleopterists Society Monograph Number 5:57-70. 2006.


Copyright Jack Schuster.


Scarabaeoidea is one of the biogeographically best known groups of organisms for Nuclear Central America, especially Guatemala. They have been used to determine areas of endemism for cloud forests of the region and to analyze relationships among these endemic areas. A major north-south division of these areas is described. Lowland scenarios are also given. This information was used for justifying the establishment of biological reserves in the area and is a tool available for prioritization of reserve establishment that could be adapted to other parts of the world as well.

Scarabaeoidea es uno de los grupos mejor conocidos biogeograficamente en Centroamerica Nuclear, especialmente Guatemala. Han sido usados para establecer areas de endemismo en bosques nubosos de la region y para analizar relaciones entre esas areas. Una division mayor norte-sur de estas areas endemicas esta descrita. Escenarios de tierra de baja elevaci6n tambien se presentan. Esta informacion fue usada para justificar el establecimiento de reservas biologicas en el area y como una valiosa herramienta para priorizar el establecimiento de reservas, lo cual podria ser adaptado tambien a otras partes del mundo.
