Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


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© 1982, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska on behalf of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension. All rights reserved.


A list of various market information sources, each followed by a brief summary of distribution schedules and contents.

This NebGuide lists widely used and readily available market information sources that contain information which may be useful to agricultural producers, lenders and agribusiness firms when making grain marketing decisions. Most of the available market information and statistical data comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Generally, there are two basic types of market information available to data users. The first type, Market News Service, is provided by the USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) and concerns daily prices used to make short-run marketing decisions. The mass media provide coverage of these daily prices. However, because of time and space limitations, detailed background information and analysis are usually lacking.

The second type of information, provided by the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and the Economic Research Service (ERS), considers current supply and demand information and forecasts made from analysis of supply and demand interaction. Such information is vital to understanding price movements and trends, and is also helpful in making short-run, medium-run and long-run marketing decisions.
