Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies
Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters
Proceedings of the Perdix V Symposium: Gray Partridge and Ring-necked Pheasant Workshop
Copyright 1990, the authors of the respective papers. Used by permission
Distribution and Abundance
Northern bobwhite, gray partridge, and ringed- neck pheasant population trends (1966-1988) from the North American Breeding Bird Survey, S. Droege and J. R. Sauer
Recent status of gray partridge in North America, W. J. Vander Zouwen
Historical review and status of gray partridge in Italy, C. Matteucci and S. Toso
Gamebird introductions in New Zealand: Successes and failures, K. Westerskov
Habitat Management Programs
State and provincial programs for habitat enhancement on private agricultural lands, W. J. Vander Zouwen
Indirect impacts of pesticides on the production of wild gamebirds in Britain, N. W. Sotherton and P. A. Robertson
Ring-necked pheasant and gray partridge brood habitat in roadsides and managed grasslands, D. R. Nelson, R. O. Kimmel, and M. J. Frydendall
A public relations approach to roadside wildlife management, K. Varland and D. Pauley
Techniques and Surveys
Population surveys and gray partridge during winter in North Dakota: A comparison, J. W. Schulz
Responses of ring--necked pheasnts and gray partridge to tape-recorded calls, K. J. Haroldson and R. O. Kimmel
Comparison of aging techniques for gray partridge, R. Erpelding and R. O. Kimmel
Winter bait-trapping of gray partridge as influenced by snow cover, B. S. Haroldson and R. O. Kimmel
Korean pheasant harvest in southeastern Missouri, D. L. Hallett and G. S. Olson
Pheasant abundance, hunter, and harrvest trends on Lac qui Parle Wildlife Management Area, 1979-1988, K. Solberg and J. Anderson
Behavioral Ecology
Partridges and pheasants: Competitors or sharers? K. Westerskov
The significance of arthropods in the gray partridge diet, J. Dahlgren
Roost site characteristics of gray partridge broods, J. W. Enck
Behavioral relationships of gray partridge and ring-necked pheasants in mixed-species broods, R. O. Kimmel
Differential behavior and survival of hand-reared and wild gray partridge in the United Kingdon, S. D. Dowell
Population Ecology
Population dynamics of the gray partridge in relation to agricultural and weather in northern Italy, A. Meriggi, A. Montagna, D. Zacchetti, C. Matteucci, and S. Toso
Effects of irrigation on adult mortality and reproduction of gray partridge in a wheat farming system, M. Birkan, D. Serre, E. Pelard, and S. Skibniewski
Nesting and brood-rearing ecology of gray partridge in North Dakota, J. P. Carrol, R. D. Crawford, and J. W. Schulz
Population responses by gray partridge to severe winter conditions, K. E Church and W. F. Porter
Factors influencing winter mortality of gray partridge in western Poland, M. Panek
Nest habitat and success of ring-necked pheasants on Mallard Island, North Dakota, J. P. carrol and R. D. Sayler
Reproductive success of translocated wild pheasants in central Missouri, R. J. Wilson, R. D. Drobney, and D. L. Hallett
Farm Program Workshop
Agricultural programs: The European perspective, G. R. Potts
United States agricultural programs: Implications for wildlife and potential for improvement, L. R. Jahn and E. W. Schenck
Summary of the farm program workshop, Perdix V, A. H. Berner
Appendix I: Abstracts of presentations not submitted for publication in the proceedings of Perdix V
Appendix II: Agenda of Perdix V
Appendix III: Names and addresses of registrants of Perdix V