The Gallup Research Center (GRC) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is an interdisciplinary research center that concentrates on all areas of survey research and quantitative methods, including public opinion, the quality of retrospective reports, consumer and employee satisfaction, and data utilization in the workplace. Initially supported by the Nebraska Research Initiative with continuing funding from the Gallup Organization, the Center was created in 1994. The Center's staff and research affiliates are comprised of Ph.D.-level social scientists who hold faculty appointments in the Departments of Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, Educational Psychology, Statistics, and Marketing. GRC staff also direct the Survey Research and Methodology program, a unique, multidisciplinary research program that offers both master’s of science and doctor of philosophy degrees and is designed to train students to fill the expanding need for professionals in survey research and data analysis. Major areas of research at GRC include health behavior, survey methodology, technology issues, economic behavior, political behavior, attitudes, minority groups, and indicators of quality of life.

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UNL-Gallup Working Papers Series