Honors Program


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Koperski, William, et al. 2020. Groundwater Sustainability Platform. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Vivian Jacobitz, William Koperski, Liam Kruse, Brian Nguyen, Lara Quiring, Alec Schneider, Liam Seper, and Ryan Wallace 2020.


The Twin Platte Natural Resource District (TPNRD) and the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NDNR) are in the process of jointly adopting an Integrated Management Plan (IMP). The TPNRD must show sufficient progress toward meeting the goals and objectives of the IMP within four years. The TPNRD seeks to automate the collection and processing of the required data and to ultimately automate the annual evaluations of progress toward meeting these goals. This will be accomplished with a could-based platform that will bring together various data sources including daily precipitation, irrigation pumping, evapotranspiration, groundwater levels, and other producer inputs. Through data analytics, application program interfaces (API), and advanced visualizations, the TPNRD will have up-to-date information on their level of success in meeting the IMP goals.
