Honors Program
Date of this Version
Fall 10-18-2022
Document Type
Hansen, Paige. 2022. Pet Boarding Business Plan. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska Lincoln.
I will explore several business ideas and compare the financial, logistical, and fitness to my goals for every option. I will be as thorough as possible so I can see the clearest vision of what each business option would be like in the area I want to settle down. Before I start thinking about ideas for my business, I will first consider my goals and values in life so I can compare each option to this analysis so I can choose the option that will make me the happiest. After I have decided which business model fits me best, I will go over important animal welfare practices I will use to ensure I am running an ethical business.
I would like to thank my advisors for this project: Dr. Lisa Karr, Dr. James MacDonald, and Dr. Christine Haney. You have given me unmeasurable support and confidence throughout this process, and I am grateful for that commitment.
Copyright Paige Hansen 2022.