Honors Program
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Ray, Nathan. "Compression of Ultrashort Relativistic Electron Bunches via Magnetic Chicane and the Creation of a Chicane Map." University of Nebraska-Lincoln Honor's Thesis 11 March 2019
A magnetic chicane is described and the applications of such an apparatus for compressing a ultrafast (~30 fs) electron beam with a negative linear chirp are discussed. Utilizing basic relativistic equations and simple electromagnetic interactions, the path length of an electron in a chicane is derived then transposed into a MATLAB script to determine the path length difference between electrons with minor energy differences. The MATLAB results are compared to results generated in General Particle Tracer (GPT)to confirm the accuracy of GPT. GPT is then used to include realistic beam effects including magnetic fringe fields and beam emittance. Several chicane setups are simulated and one is selected; the selected chicane setup is mapped to find compression ratios for changing energy spreads (from 1%-5%) and slice energies (from 0%-5%). This map is to be used to help find the initial conditions of an input electron beam into the chicane setup described.
Copyright Nathan W. Ray 2019.