Honors Program


Date of this Version

Fall 2022

Document Type



Weiner, William, Amanda Fuechtmann, Avery Smith, Michaela Webb, and Zach Buhman. 2023. A Strategic Audit of Hasbro. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright William Weiner, Amanda Fuechtmann, Avery Smith, Michaela Webb, and Zach Buhman 2023.


This strategic audit dives into ten components of Hasbro’s strategic management. The first component discusses Hasbro’s history and current strategic leadership. This is followed by an analysis of the impacts of its external and internal environment. Next, the audit examines Hasbro’s recent performance and competition it faces in the Toy Wholesaling industry. The sixth, seventh, and eighth components consider different levels of strategy that Hasbro pursues. Lastly, the strategic audit considers Hasbro’s corporate governance and its organizational structure and controls.

Overall, we conclude that Hasbro is a mature company in a slow-growing industry. Its ability to translate its iconic and well-known brands from toys to online games and TV shows provides a source of competitive advantage that allows it to differentiate itself from competitors. However, Hasbro faces stiff competition from Mattel, which has seen higher profit margins and stronger financial results recently.
