U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska



Date of this Version


Document Type



Published in Beef Research Program Progress Report (1982) No. 1: iii-iv


The Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (U.S. Meat Animal Research Center) was authorized by Congress on June 16, 1964, thereby creating a single facility that provides an unusual opportunity for making major contributions to the solution of problems facing the U.S. livestock industry. Development of the 35,000-acre facility started in the spring of 1966 and is continuing at the present time. Phase I construction, consisting of an office-laboratory building for intensive investigations, was completed in January 1971. These facilities provide a physical plant for 42 scientists and about 200 support personnel. Phase II construction, consisting of the Meats Research Laboratory and Agricultural Engineering Building, was completed in October 1977. It provides a physical plant for 25 scientists and about 60 support personnel. Phase III construction will provide facilities for a comprehensive research program of producing, harvesting, handling, storing, and using forages in livestock production systems. Approximately 35 additional scientists and 65 support personnel will be required for this phase. Currently, one-third of the scientific staffing is completed.
