Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking at the University of Nebraska


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Presentation for 2011 Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, September 29 - October 1, 2011, Lincoln, Nebraska. Copyright © 2011 Sriyani Tidball.


More than 1.7 million Sri Lankans now work abroad, and nearly 600,000 are housemaids… In Saudi Arabia, the most common destination, they call Sri Lanka “the country of housemaids.”

Fifteen to 20 percent of the 120,000 (approx) Sri Lankan women who leave each year for the Gulf return prematurely, face abuse, nonpayment of salary, or get drawn into illicit human trafficking schemes or prostitution.

[Presentation does not contain the images of the women because of permission issues.]

Tidball 2011.pptx (1165 kB)
Powerpoint slides
