U.S. Department of Agriculture: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service


Document Type


Date of this Version

Fall 2012


Human–Wildlife Interactions 6(2):237–244, Fall 2012


We modified and evaluated capture nets fi red from the Coda Netlauncher® as a tool for capturing various avian species. We modified the netlauncher by using customized nets to maximize the area of the capture zone. We captured 137 birds, comprising 12 species, in 23 attempts between July 2008 and October 2009 using this method. Capture success rates varied from 25 to 69% were comparable to success rates reported for other capture methods for these species. However, individual capture success for different net configurations varied greatly from 3 to 65%. Minimal injuries and 2 bird fatalities were reported. The netlauncher, using modified nets, proved to be a cost-, labor-, and time-efficient tool compared to what has been reported for other avian capture techniques. The netlauncher provides managers with a lightweight, flexible method of capture that does not use combustive or explosive propellants, and, thereby minimizes associated training and regulatory oversight.
