U.S. Department of Agriculture: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service


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Vicente, J., and K. VerCauteren. 2019. The role of scavenging in disease dynamics. pgs 161-182. In: P. Olea, P. Mateo-Tomas, and J. Sanchez-Zapata, editors. Carrion Ecology and Management. Wildlife Research Monographs, vol 2. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland.



Introduction................ 161

The Use of Animal Remains and the Exposure of Scavengers to Disease........ 163

The Relevance of Scavenging for Pathogens to Spread and Persist.......... 166

Human Related Factors Resulting in Increased Risk for Disease Transmission Through Scavenging.............. 170

Management of Scavenging to Reduce Disease Risks.............. 173

Restoration of Large Predators.................. 174

Elimination of Hunting of Scavengers............ 174

Destruction of Big Game and Domestic Animal Carcasses........... 174

Restoration of the Effects of Overabundance............. 175

Excluding Mammalian and Avian Scavengers from Natural Carrions.......... 176

Excluding Mammalian and Avian Scavengers from Vulture Restaurants........... 176

Conclusions and Future Perspectives........... 178

References............... 178
