U.S. Department of Agriculture: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service


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Published in Landscape and Urban Planning 91 (2009), pp. 1–7


A growing literature in the field of road ecology suggests that vehicle/wildlife collisions are important to biologists and transportation officials alike. Roads can affect the quality and quantity of available wildlife habitat, most notably through fragmentation. Likewise, vehicular traffic on roads can be direct sources of wildlife mortality and in some instances, can be catastrophic to populations. Thus, connectivity of habitat and permeability of road systems are important factors to consider when developing road mortality mitigation systems. There are a variety of approaches that can be used to reduce the effects of roads and road mortality on wildlife populations. Here, we briefly review wildlife-crossing structures, summarize previous wildlife road mortality mitigation studies, describe common mitigation measures, and discuss factors that influence the overall effectiveness of mitigation strategies. Because there are very few road mortality studies “before” and “after” the installation of wildlife-crossing structures, their efficiency is nearly impossible to evaluate. However, simple and relatively inexpensive measures reviewed herein can almost certainly reduce the number of collisions between wildlife and automobiles
