Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida


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Date of this Version



Insecta Mundi 0515: 1–24


Copyright held by the author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons, Attribution Non-Commercial License


El género Oogenius Solier, 1851, es revisado y ahora incluye siete especies: O. arrowi Gutiérrez (Argentina), O. castilloi Martínez y Peña (Chile), O. chilensis Ohaus (Chile), O. kuscheli Gutiérrez (Chile), O. lariosae Martínez (Argentina), O. penai Mondaca (Chile), y O. virens Solier (Chile). El género es redescrito, adultos macho y hembra de cada una de las especies son caracterizados, fotografi ados, y los caracteres morfológicos de valor diagnóstico ilustrados. Se incluye una clave de identificación, un mapa de distribución e información general sobre la biología de las especies. Basado en el estudio del material tipo, O. chilensis barrosi Gutiérrez, 1949, es considerado un nuevo sinónimo de O. chilensis Ohaus, 1905. Se designan lectotipos para Oogenius chilensis Ohaus, 1905 y Oogenius virens Solier, 1851.

The genus Oogenius Solier, 1851, is revised and now includes seven species: O. arrowi Gutiérrez (Argentina), O. castilloi Martínez and Peña (Chile), O. chilensis Ohaus (Chile), O. kuscheli Gutiérrez (Chile), O. lariosae Martínez (Argentina), O. penai Mondaca (Chile), and O. virens Solier (Chile). The genus is redescribed, adults male and female of each species are characterized, photographed, and morphological characters of diagnostic value illustrated. An identifi cation key, distribution map and general information on the biology of the species are included. Based on the study of type material, O. chilensis barrosi Gutiérrez, 1949, is now considered a new synonym of O. chilensis Ohaus, 1905. Lectotypes for Oogenius chilensis Ohaus, 1905 and Oogenius virens Solier, 1851, are designated.
