Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida


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Date of this Version



Insecta Mundi 0601: 1-158.


Published in 2017 by Center for Systematic Entomology, Inc. P. O. Box 141874 Gainesville, FL 32614-1874 USA

Copyright held by the author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons, Attribution Non-Commercial License.


Genera of Cephaloscymnini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Coccidulinae) are discussed and a key to all recognized genera and species is provided. Succinctonotum, new genus, is proposed. Scymnus laboulbenii Mulsant and Prodilis maculata Weise are transferred to Neaporia as new combinations. Prodiloides bipunctata Weise, and Neaporia compta are transferred to Prodilis as new combinations. Neaporia cuprea Gorham is considered a junior synonym of Neaporia viridiscens Gorham and Cephaloscymnus bruchi Weise a junior synonym of Prodilis volgus Mulsant. New species described in Cephaloscymnus are C. beulah, C. candice, C. juanita. New species described in Neaporia are N. becky, N. bobbie, N. brandy, N. carole, N. cassandra, N. christy, N. daisy, N. deanna, N. dianne, N. felicia, N. gwendolyn, N. hilda, N. irma, N. jennie, N. jenny, N. kay, N. kayla, N. kristine, N. leah, N. lena, N. leona, N. longifrons, N. mabel, N. mae, N. margie, N. marsha, N. miriam, N. misty, N. myrtle, N. naomi, N. nina, N. nora, N. olga, N. opal, N. patsy, N. penny, N. priscilla, N. shelley, N. sonia, N. tracey, and N. violet. New species described in Succinctonotum is S. frosti. New species described in Prodilis are P. ada, P. alberta, P. alison, P. amelia, P. angie, P. araguaensis, P. bartletti, P. belinda, P. blanche, P. brandi, P. cecilia, P. claire, P. cora, P. dubitalis, P. erika, P. eunice, P. fannie, P. faye, P. flora, P. geneva, P. guadalupe, P. harriet, P. hattie, P. inez, P. iris, P. isabel, P. jan, P. janie, P. joanna, P. jodi, P. katrina, P. kristi, P. kristy, P. lindsey, P. lola, P. lula, P. lynda, P. madeline, P. maggie, P. mamie, P. margarita, P. maryann, P. melody, P. molly, P. monique, P. natasha, P. olivia, P. pecki, P. ramona, P. rosie, P. sabrina, P. sandy, P. shelley, P. sherri, P. sheryl, P. sonya, P. susie, and P. yvette. Ponaria, new genus of Coccidulini is proposed. Neaporia caerulea Gorham is transferred to Ponaria as a new combination. New species described in Ponaria are P. daviesi, P. hurtadoi, and P. paprzyckii. Lectotypes are here designated for Neaporia arrowi, N. coelestis, N. metallica, N. guatemalana, N. indagator, and Prodilis pallidifrons.
