Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida


ORCID IDs Larry G. Bezark Antonio Santos-Silva

Document Type


Date of this Version



Bezark LG, Santos-Silva A. 2023. New species, synonymies and transfers in Neotropical Lamiinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Insecta Mundi 0993: 1–26.


This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons, Attribution Non-Commercial License,


Four new species and one new genus of Lamiinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) are described: Nyssodrysilla humeralis new species (Acanthocinini), from Paraguay; Atrypanius schmidi new species (Acan­thocinini), from Paraguay; Chicanatonus hovorei, new genus, new species (Acanthocinini), from Mexico; Euryestola transversa new species (Calliini), from Ecuador. The following new combinations are established: Leiopus convexus Melzer, 1934 is transferred to Hyperplatys Haldeman, 1847; Leiopus floccidus Erichson, 1847 is transferred to Anisopodus White, 1855; Leiopus marcelamonneae Audureau and Demez, 2015 and L. pleuriticus White, 1855 are transferred to Atrypanius Bates, 1864. Leiopus histrionicus Gistel, 1848 is newly synonymized with Eutrypanus dorsalis (Germar, 1823). The formal transference of Leiopus soricinus Fair­maire and Germain, 1859 to Lepturges (Lepturges) Bates, 1863, forgotten in recent catalogs and checklists, is reinforced. Atrypanius marcelamonneae new combination is excluded from the Paraguayan fauna. Eu­ryestola cribrata (Bates, 1881) is newly recorded from Panama. Keys to species of Nyssodrysilla Gilmour, 1962 and Euryestola Breuning, 1940 are provided. The occurrence of Colobothea naevia Bates, 1865 in Ecua­dor is confirmed. Colobothea olivencia Bates, 1865 is newly recorded from Ecuador and from the Brazilian states of Pará and Ceará; variation in the pubescent pattern on the pronotum of this species is reported.
