Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida


Document Type


Date of this Version

December 1986


Published in Insecta Mundi Published in Insecta Mundi Vol. 1, no. 4, December 1986. Copyright © 1986 Sissom.
Insecta Mundi, published by the Center for Systematic Entomology, is available online at . Copyright © 1986 Bohart.
Insecta Mundi, published by the Center for Systematic Entomology, is available online at


Presently, only a single species of the genus Diplocentrus is known from northeastern Mexico, D. whitei (Gervais) (Hoffman 1931 ). This species is dark brown to black and is quite large, with adults 65-75 mm long. Recent collecting in the mountains near Monterrey and El Potosi, Nuevo Leon, Mexico has revealed the presence of a much smaller, more lightly-colored species. The description of this new species is the subject of the present paper.

Nomenclature and mensuration essentially follows that of Stahnke (1970), with the following exceptions: carinal terminology and cheliceral measurements are after Francke (1975, 1977) and trichobothrial terminology is after Vachon (1974). All measurements were taken with an American Optical Model 569 dissecting microscope equipped with an ocular micrometer calibrated at 10x.

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