Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida


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Date of this Version



Insecta Mundi 0266: 1-23 (2012)


Published in 2012 by Center for Systematic Entomology, Inc. P. O. Box 141874 Gainesville, FL 32614-1874 USA
Copyright held by the author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons, Attribution Non-Commercial License.


Abstract. Lingafelteria, a new genus of Onciderini Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) is described and illustrated. Five new species of Onciderini are also described and illustrated: Cylicasta mariahelenae, Lingafelteria giuglarisi, Psyllotoxus dalensi, Psyllotoxus faurei from French Guiana; Trestonia solangeae from Bolivia. Keys to the known species of Psyllotoxus Thomson, 1868 are provided. Psyllotoxoides albomaculata Breuning, 1961 is redescribed; and the first known females of Strioderes peruanus Giorgi, 2001 and Tibiosioma martinsi Nearns and Swift, 2011 are described. The following eight new country records are reported: Peritrox marcelae Nearns and Tavakilian, 2012 (Brazil); Pseudobeta ferruginea Galileo and Martins, 1990 (French Guiana); Tibiosioma martinsi Nearns and Swift, 2011 (Brazil, Peru); Trestonia exotica Galileo and Martins, 1990 (French Guiana); Trestonia morrisi Martins and Galileo, 2005 (French Guiana); Tritania dilloni Chalumeau, 1990 (French Guiana, Suriname).

Resumen. Lingafelteria, un nuevo género de Onciderini Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) es descrito e ilustrado. Cinco nuevas especies de Onciderini son descritas e ilustradas: Cylicasta mariahelenae, Lingafelteria giuglarisi, Psyllotoxus dalensi, Psyllotoxus faurei de Guyana Francesa; Trestonia solangeae de Bolivia. Claves de las especies de Psyllotoxus Thomson, 1868 son incluidas. Psyllotoxoides albomaculata Breuning, 1961 es descrito de nuevo; y las primeras hembras de Strioderes peruanus Giorgi, 2001 y Tibiosioma martinsi Nearns y Swift, 2011 son descritas. Las siguientes ocho nuevos registros de país se reportan: Peritrox marcelae Nearns y Tavakilian, 2012 (Brasil); Pseudobeta ferruginea Galileo y Martins, 1990 (Guyana Francesa); Tibiosioma martinsi Nearns y Swift, 2011 (Brasil, Perú); Trestonia exotica Galileo y Martins, 1990 (Guyana Francesa); Trestonia morrisi Martins y Galileo, 2005 (Guyana Francesa); Tritania dilloni Chalumeau, 1990 (Guyana Francesa, Surinam).

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