Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida


Document Type


Date of this Version



Insecta Mundi 0268: 1–6 (2012)


Published in 2012 by Center for Systematic Entomology, Inc. P. O. Box 141874 Gainesville, FL 32614-1874 USA
Copyright held by the author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons, Attribution Non-Commercial License.


Abstract. Delphastus quinculus Gordon and Diomus seminulus (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) are reported for the first time feeding on eggs and first-instar nymphs of Crypticerya multicicatrices Kondo and Unruh (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae). Diagnosis and illustrations are provided for both species. Updated information on their biology, hosts and geographical distribution is also provided.

Resumen. Se reportan a Delphastus quinculus Gordon y Diomus seminulus (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) por primera vez como depredadores de huevos y ninfas del primer instar de Crypticerya multicicatrices Kondo and Unruh (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae). Las dos especies de coccinélidos se diagnostican y se ilustran en detalle. Se provee también información actualizada sobre sus biologías, hospederos y distribución geográfica.
