U.S. Joint Fire Science Program


Date of this Version


Document Type



Project Number: 04-2-1-80


US government work.


The objectives are to (1) Inventory, map, and model live and down woody debris/fuels biomass utilizing USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis P2 and P3 field plot protocols, develop fuel loading formulas for fire behavior models in the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge and the Air Force Dare County Bombing Range in the North Carolina Coastal Plain, and incorporate data from Coastal Plain forest types into the fuel characteristic classification (FCC) system and the FARSITE fire behavior model; (2) Validate the USDA Forest Service PB-Coastal Plain smoke model, the BlueSky smoke prediction system, and the BlueSky Rapid Access Information System (BlueSkyRAINS) for the near-coastal land-water interface, including differences in vegetative land use; (3) Characterize photochemically active and radiatively important trace gases as well as PM emissions from prescribed bums in Coastal Plain forest types and histosol soils, and (4) Deliver personal computer and web-based decision support tools for estimating inputs of live biomass and down woody debris/fuels into a fire behavior model, real-time smoke plume models, and an emissions model for prescribed bums for use by federal and state land managers in North Carolina specifically, and other users throughout the Coastal Plain ofthe southeastern US.
