U.S. Joint Fire Science Program


Joint Fire Science Program Synthesis Reports

Date of this Version


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Fire Histroy and Climate Change, Joint Fire Science Program, Project 09-2-01-09. 190 pgs. + 6 Appendices


This report synthesizes available fire history climate change scientific knowledge to aid managers with fire decisions in tile face of ongoing 21st Century cIimate change. Fire history and climate change mange (FHCC} have been ongoing for over 400 million years of Earth history, but increasing human influences during tile Holocene epoch have changed both climate and fire regimes. We describe basic concepts of climate science and explain the causes of accelerating 21H Century climate change. Fire regimes and ecosystems classification serve to unify ecological and climate factors influencing fire, and are useful for applying fire history and climate manage information to specific ecosystems. Variable and changing patterns of climate-fire interaction occur over different time and space scales that shape use of FHCC knowledge. Ecosystem differences in fire regimes, climate change and available fire history mean that using an ecosystem specific view will be beneficial when applying FHCC knowledge.
