Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The study investigated the relationship between budgetary constraints on the operation of academic libraries in Ghana. The study was a descriptive survey with the use of questionnaire as the main instrument to gather data. Out of two hundred and twenty copies of questionnaires distributed, two hundred copies were retrieved with a non response of twenty copies. With the use of Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) Descriptive Statistics and Correlations Analysis were done based on the main variables in the study. The result show that all the four (4) constructs; Collection Development (CD), Acquisition & Selection (AS), Service Provision (SP), Patronage (PA), reveal positive significant statistical relationship on the operation of academic libraries. The study recommended that management of the Polytechnics should be encouraged to allocate separate budget for libraries in order to improve in terms of collection development, service provision, acquisition and selection as well as patronage.
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