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Winter 9-6-2018

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This study has made an attempt to identify the authors’ research performance in terms of publication output and their citations to know about the authorship pattern and analysis, author productivity, author relationship and collaborative research on fossil fuel scientific publications which are indexed in A & HCI and SCI- Expanded during 1989-2016. The necessary data was extracted and the total number of scholarly articles was 943, h-index was 73 and average citations per item was 28.63, the total sum of times cited was 26,997, citing articles was 21,694, without self-citations was 21,324 scores. This paper discusses the authorship pattern; most productive authors; collaborative authors using Degree of Collaboration (DC); highly cited authors at global as well as local level; the Average Authors Per Paper (AAPP); the Average Productivity Per Author (APPA) and different types of scholarly publications on fossil fuels published by the Indian authors during the study period.
