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Aliyu, Y. (2015). Citation Analysis of Doctoral Theses in Education, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. Annals of Borno XXV, 67-74

Bozimo, D.O. (2006). Enhancing Access to Information in Nigerian Universities: An Inaugural Lecture. University Organized Lectures Committee. Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. 72

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Obokoh, N.P. (1986). Characteristics of Literature used by Contributors to the Nigerian Geographical Journal. Library Waves Vol.1, 93 – 104

Okanlawon, C.E. (1989). A Citation Study of Postgraduate Agricultural Theses of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, 1980 – 1985. Master of Library Science Thesis, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (Unpublished) 142

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Citations of doctoral theses in library and information science, submitted to the School of Post-graduate Studies (SPGS), University of Maiduguri between 2014 and 2018 were analysed for the following variables, viz; bibliographical format of literature cited, age of publications cited and a ranked list of journal titles cited. Bibliometric techniques were used in the analysis, which involves counting and categorizing references cited for each of the following; textbooks and monographs, journal articles, theses and dissertations, conference proceedings, unpublished sources, reports, newsletters and online sources, journal articles cited, and examinations of the age of publications cited. The data gathered was collated and analysed using frequency distributions and percentage scores, presented in tables. Findings of the study revealed that, the fourteen (14) theses generated 1,828 citations, with journal articles accounting for highest number of citations 732 (40%) while textbooks and monographs with 648 (35.4%) citations. In addition, findings on distributions of age of publications cited by decade showed that majority of the works cited 986 (53.9%) is from 2000 – 2009, followed by 2010 – 2018 with 411 (22.5%) citations. Finding on the ranked list of journals cited arranged in decreasing order revealed a total of 732 citations form ninety-one (91) journal titles. The most frequently cited journal was Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) with 92 citations followed by African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science with 61 citations, while about fifty (50) other journal titles recorded lowest scores of three, two and one citations respectively.
