Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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This research considers how academic libraries in kashmir are using social media platforms for the pro-active awareness and training, to educate the LIS professionals as well as patrons. It aims to explore the pattern of social media usage by library clients and then highlights the current status of social media usage in academic libraries of kashmir for the effective and efficient dissimination of information.
Social media has influenced the personal and economic habits of individuals to an inconceivable extent. It has created a huge and dispersed community of media content creators, who use this platform to dessiminate their content. Evidently, it not only provides ample opportunities for information institutions in general and libraries in particular, to communicate the information with the proprietors but also allows them to engage with the information users using free online resources. Social media nowadays is just a name for how the internet looks and particularly the way people use it. This change has been mainly due to the emergence of different social media tools and servces.
This research examines how social media tools have been used by academic libraries of kashmir to dessiminate the information in an effective and user-friendly manner. The paper is based on data analysis of social media use by academic library patrons. It highlights the inefficiency of libraries to prepare their LIS professionals to communicate and engage professionally using social network media and also gives a comprehensive view of how are libraries are future planning the inclusion of formal social media roles in their institutions.