Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-2019


Web Impact Factor (WIF), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking improve the visibility of a website’s presence in the online environment. The present study predominantly focuses on the WIFs of the Indian Open University websites. Calculating three types of web impact factors it has been found that among the selected Open Universities Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik holds the numero uno status in Simple and Internal-link WIFs with SWIF 0.2214 and IWIF 0.2092. In case of External-link Web Impact Factor (EWIF) Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), Kolkata holds the rank one position with EWIF of 9.9750. Among the websites IGNOU holds the best global rank i.e. 4439 and it has the 2nd best Indian rank also i.e. 349. This Open University is followed by KSOU in the global ranking i.e. 4517. KSOU holds the best Indian rank i.e.270. IGNOU has the maximum number of backlinks i.e. 1265605. The website of KSOU having domain authority of 59, ranks highest YCMOU ranks lowest by obtaining 29 out of a total of 100 points. In case of page authority, the website of IGNOU ranks first with page authority score of 59 followed by the UOU having score of 51. Again the least score (35) is obtained by the YCMOU in page authority.
