Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Summer 9-10-2019
Document Type
Alexa: About Alexa traffic ranking (2019). Available from:
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The purpose here is to compare the status of website of five IAU unites based on webometrics, Alexa's traffic rating and estimated value of Sinium. This applied research is run through a descriptive method, where Webometrics index, Alexa's traffic rating and estimated value of Sinium are applied. The statistical population consists of five: IAU Kerman, Shiraz, Bushehr, Bandar Abbas and Ahwaz units’ websites. The results reveal that Ahvaz unit with the average of 10356 pages is ranked the highest and the first and Bushehr unit with the lowest 4441 pages is ranked the last. As to the enriched files, Kerman and Ahwaz units are ranked first and last, with 2248 and 459 files, respectively. As to visibility (internal linkage), Kerman and Ahwaz units rank first and last with 9th and 5th rankings, respectively. As to Sinium, Shiraz and Bandar-Abbas units have the highest and the lowest estimated values of $18144 and $3780 respectively. In general, based on the webometrics database (size, visibility, formatted files and count of articles in Google Scalar) and the traffic rating of Alexa's website and the estimated value of the web site, Shiraz unit has the highest performance among IAU units. It is assumed that national and global universities in terms of having characteristics and elements like: the active presence of professors and researchers, graduate programs promotion, credibility, up-to-date, user-friendly, free access to articles, popularity, etc. are of higher status. As to their websites in terms of visibility, size, rank, monitoring, traffic rating, and increased value, they are ranked higher.