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This research paper investigates the perspectives of students’ of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) towards computer and pen-on-paper examination. Questionnaires were used to generate data. The data collected targeted students of three selected Study Centre .300 questionnaires which consist of 200-400 level of students of the three selected study Centre were administered .Response rate of 240 out of 300 representing 80% of the total questionnaires obtained for data analysis. The result showed that a significant percentage of the respondents were either doing good or fairly good academically. The students’ performances measured in each question type. When comparing students’ familiarity with the use of CBT versus pen-on-paper examination among three selected Centre, the end result showed that 80.5% of students from Osogbo Study Centre agreed on the familiarity with the CBT examination while 16.5% disagreed. From Ibadan Study Centre, 83.5% agreed with the familiarity with CBT examination, while 16.5% disagreed.From Abeokuta Study Centre. 76.7% agreed with the familiarity on CBT examination while 23.3% disagreed. On comparative survey statistic of respondents, it shows clearly that 73.2% of respondent from Osogbo Study Centre strongly agreed on the use of CBT examination while 26.8% strongly disagreed. From Ibadan Study Centre 76.5% strongly agreed on CBT examination while 23.5% strongly disagreed. From Abeokuta Study Centre, 86.3% performed very well on CBT examination while 43.8% performed well on CBT examination. Recommendation is hereby directed to the management and examination board to improve the condition of conducting CBT and pen-on-paper examination in academic context and universities as a whole.