Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Jan, Sumaira.,& Ali, Asifa."Evaluating Perception of Users Regarding Collection and Services: A Case Study of Kashmir Government Polytechnic College (KGPC)".(2020).Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal).
The present study attempts to offer an insight about the user’s perception regarding library collection and service in Kashmir Government Polytechnic College (KGPC). The findings of the study reveal that preponderance (91.33%) prefer to use “Textbooks” as a source of information resource in the library while as usage of e-resources have been found low among them. It emerges that majority of users visit library on “Daily” basis to “Issue books” and read “Newspapers”. On the other hand, the finding reveals that majority of user’s visits library to avail “Internet Services” followed by “Lending Services”. Furthermore, it is observed from the analysis that the preponderance of users find library collection and services inadequate which might be due lack of awareness among them. Accordingly, the library must take dynamic initiatives to sensitize its users on the available information resources and services through current awareness and other related services in order to make sure the proper usage of library among its users