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This is an empirical study on the transformation of South-East Nigeria’s academic society through library and information science education (LISE). The main objective of this study is to find out current library and information science educational procedure in SE Nigeria as to determining how it holistically prepare potential librarians towards the changes that are taking place in our academic environment and the world as a whole. The research employed a descriptive survey design with a sampled population of 980 LIS students derived through total enumerative sampling technique from four accredited universities- Abia State University, Uturu (ABSU); Imo State University, Owerri (IMSU), Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka and University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) in South-East Nigeria. In analyzing the data, SPSS output format based on simple frequency count and percentage distribution, mean and standard deviation was used. The data collected were presented in figures for demographic and tables for research questions. The result of the study prove that there is low awareness among LIS students on emerging topics in LIS for transformation the SE Nigeria academic society; teaching pattern is mainly theory then both. The result also shows that there are modern facilities but there are no RDA toolkits, functional ICT laboratories and effective internet services. The study also discovered that there is no room for students to evaluate their lecturers neither are the three domains in education generally considered in the final evaluation of students. It was based on the findings that recommendations were made as to ensuring that librarians stand the test of time and be relevant in a daily changing information age.