Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Document Type
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The main aim of the study is to analyze the present scenario of public libraries in West Bengal. This study is focused on the public libraries under Karimpur area, a city under Nadia district, WB. According to public library network, Govt. of West Bengal there are total 110 government sponsored public library in Nadia district, out of which 100 are rural libraries and 10 are town libraries. There are 9 libraries in Karimpur block. Out of which 7 libraries are open till date. Two libraries (Bagdanga Public Library and Dhoradaha Sadharan Pathagar) are closed due to shortage of staff and user. This study is focused on the present scenario of the libraries in this area. A detailed study has taken place to show the original views of publics. The study has the following findings: Very less number of users is visited regularly to the libraries. Some of the libraries do not have permanent librarians. Some librarians are managing two libraries at a time. Only few libraries have computers for personal use only. Most of the libraries don't have toilet and drinking water facilities. After analysing the libraries, it is clear from the viewpoint of surveyor that Karimpur public library has the best facilities to attract users, which consist of its location, engagement of permanent librarian, ICT facilities, well maintained reading room, other facilities as a whole and Poraghati Jagarani Pathagar has the worst condition overall, mainly due to its location, no toilets, no drinking water facility, non cleanliness etc.